Quantitative Tech & Methods

Quantitative Methods

A Network Rail

The railways play an important role in the economy and infrastructure of Britain. Not very many people travelled back jn the 1920 as compared to present time, in spite of 50% reduction in raif routes as compared to the 1960s. Rail is also used for transporting goods around Britain. Rail proves to be• more eco-friendly and safest means of transportation as compa;ed to other vehicles so, not surprisingly, the number of people commuting have gone 40% more since the past ten years.


Business Communication

Case Study 1

Josh Miller is a finance student at a business college. He likes numbers and feels comfortable with order, structure, and rightor wrong answers. As part of the graduation requirements, all students must take classes in speech and writing. Josh becomes nervous about writing reports or giving speeches and doesn’t see the connection between the required class and his finance studies. One of Josh’s biggest stumbling blocks is thinking of topics. He experiences writer’s block and generally delays any project until the last possible minute
