Essential of Management

Essential of Management


A large dry cleaning operation had a central production facility that was fed by 7 regional drop off Pickup locations. The busy seasons (i.e., spring and fall) resulted in considerable customer dissatisfaction and loss of business as product turnaround went from 4 and 5 days to 8 and 9 days. This project involved the use of Job Analysis techniques to improve individual productivity, eliminate bottlenecks in the flow of material, assign to specific people, and increase throughput.


Quantitative Tech & Methods

Quantitative Methods

A Network Rail

The railways play an important role in the economy and infrastructure of Britain. Not very many people travelled back jn the 1920 as compared to present time, in spite of 50% reduction in raif routes as compared to the 1960s. Rail is also used for transporting goods around Britain. Rail proves to be• more eco-friendly and safest means of transportation as compa;ed to other vehicles so, not surprisingly, the number of people commuting have gone 40% more since the past ten years.


Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Q1. “Ware – housing decision are growingly becoming more critical” . Discuss quoting examples

Q2. What do you mean by the term Physical Distribution? Explain briefly the nature & importation in the sphere of physical distribution
